James & Jenny's Weblog

So cute! July 13, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesandjenny @ 2:25 pm

Luca Lau-Spina

My nephew joined our family on April 2nd, 2013. This cute little guy came into our lives at just a little over 7lbs. His parents, Elsie and Sergio are very fortunate to have him and I am very lucky to be part of all this wonderfulness.


Great to be a uncle and auntie April 8, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesandjenny @ 12:53 am
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On April 2nd, 2013 Jenny and I became Uncle Chi and Auntie Jenny. Luca Lau Spina join our family at 10:10am weighing 7.4 lbs.

Mother Elsie and father Sergio were exhausted, but had huge smiles.

We are looking forward to spending more time watching cute Luca grow up. I hope he likes karaoke and softball. 😉


Day of the dead March 31, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesandjenny @ 3:09 pm


Babcock Winery 2012 March 29, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesandjenny @ 11:24 pm

Last year, 2012, was our first time attending the Babcock Annual Tasting Party during the weekend of the Vintners Festival in the Santa Ynez Valley. Jenny and I along with some friends had an absolutely fabulous time at the Babcock Winery. We were treated like kings and queens with the wonderful food and delicious wines. We had the chance to taste and sample everything the winery had to offer. Unfortunately, this was only opened to wine club members and limited guest.

Jenny and I are planning to attend again this year in late April. I am just getting around to posting this picture here for those of you who didn’t see our update on Facebook.

We also had the opportunity to meet Brian Babcock, the owner and winemaker. He is also a Occidental College alumni.

I will be sure to keep things more up to date as we attend this party next month.


Maru December 12, 2011

Filed under: Cat Book — jamesandjenny @ 11:24 pm

Click to run GIF

Maru is an Internet sensation and definitely a favorite of ours. We can only wish we can get our kitties to be this entertaining. What is his secret?


Our two kitties …

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesandjenny @ 12:29 am

Mama Cat

Mama Cat and Cleo

Mama Cat has been with us for over 6 years now and have been a real “Sweetie” as Jenny is always calling her. Cleo was an addition to our family earlier this year. She walked right into our house and has been a bit of a troublemaker in our home, but we still find her amusing with all the stupid antics she does.


Babcock Nook & Cranny September 4, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesandjenny @ 4:57 pm
Babcock by jameswan
Babcock, a photo by jameswan on Flickr.

Last year we quickly enjoyed our last and only bottle of Nook & Cranny. Brian Babcock has very limited runs of this tasty selection and we were soon without another bottle.

Recently Jenny had the opportunity for a quick trip up to the Santa Ynez valley. Brian was culling his library and decided to release some bottles out of his private collection. Jenny was able to snatch a couple of bottles of Nook & Cranny and even better yet, a vertical.

These will be added to our small list of prize bottles waiting for a special occasion.


The kitties May 14, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesandjenny @ 9:02 pm

Mama Cat’s hardship during her early years has finally shown it’s ugly self. It has been almost a week since Mama stopped eating. A visit to the vet has determined that her bad teeth is hurting so much it is too painful to eat. Mama received fluids and medicine, and is so far doing better until the tooth extraction this coming Friday. Our juice licker is now eating a little bit more once we found some junk food for her.


Jenny & James April 10, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesandjenny @ 6:23 pm

Jenny & James

Originally uploaded by jameswan

For all our close friends and family our wonderful day was June 20, 2009. The day started cool in the morning and soon warmed up just in time to begin our special celebration of a perfect summer wedding.
Jenny spent the morning with her bridal party at the salon and I was perfecting my vows. Nothing is often perfect, but I wanted the moment to at least be my best effort and attention.
We were most proud to have so many close friends and family. Everyone arrived in their party clothes and ready to witness our path to our future together. Some of our guests traveled as far as the San Francisco, New York, and the United Kingdom. We were truly blessed with everyone’s presence.
Our day was eventful on many levels. My best man just welcomed his first son just a couple days before. One of the bridesmaids was just about to expect her first child. We were thankful that for the most part our day went by without many complications.
Jenny and I focused our attention early on our brief ceremony. Our string quartet had a small hiccup, but surely not many noticed. The vows were delivered smoothly with the help of my long time friend and officient, Richard. The music continued and off we went to celebrate our new beginning together.
Our guests were very good at gathering outside for our class type group photo. A feat that often times has complications. A success I do say so myself.
The rest of the afternoon and evening were devoted to our reception. The food and the party deserved the higher attention in our thoughts. The glasses of Viognier were poured to accompany four types of appetizers as Jenny and I went off to snap some important pictures to document our fancy outfits.
We returned shortly and our feast started with halibut and New York strip. We decided not to give people a choice because both were equally good.
We realized that we should have told people that we were having the salad after our entree, but it was a good surprise for many. Only some figured out the European influence we had with our meal selection.
My posting and brief synopsis of our special is in fact a bit late, but I have always been casually late on many things in my life. Now I have Jenny to keep me on track better. She has a tough job ahead of her.


Toon Town Roller Coaster Fun March 20, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesandjenny @ 12:34 am

Toon Town Roller Coaster Fun

Originally uploaded by jameswan

As we celebrate Jenny’s spring break on the shortest roller coaster we have ever been on.